Philip Freeborn

Head of Global Markets and Wholesale Banking Services

Philip Freeborn

Philip is an experienced Chief Operating Officer, with significant experience in running technology, operations, transformation, procurement and cost reduction initiatives within Financial Services. Philip has lived and worked in the UK, US and South Africa, managing global and regional diverse teams. Philip was previously the Head of IT and Operations for Barclays Investment Bank, the COO for Barclays Wealth and the Head of Integration and COO for Barclays Africa. He also was the CIO for UBS Investment Bank.

At Delta Capita, Philip runs our Services Businesses globally with full P&L and strategy responsibility for each of the service lines. The service lines have grown rapidly over the last three years, and we are constantly evolving our services to reflect client demand in the market.

Prior to his career in Banking, Philip qualified as a Chartered Account and holds a degree in engineering B.Sc and is an AKC. Philip continues to mentor people both inside and outside the firm. Philip's deep experience in banking allows him to advise on technology and operational strategy at board level. He also has strong experience in managing outsourcing of certain functions, re-insourcing and creating mutualised managed services.