Our Story

Providing mission-critical services to banks and other financial institutions

Our journey

Delta Capita is a leading global Capital Markets consulting, managed services and technology provider with a unique combination of experience in financial services and capability in technology innovation.

Our vision is ‘Reinventing the Financial Services Value Chain’, by providing a Business Operating Platform-as-a-Service, a trusted mutualised service for Financial Services, enabling your business across the value chain.

We help our clients reduce costs and improve process and technology by moving them away from their existing propriety models towards mutualised managed services, enabling a healthier and more performant business.

2009 December

Delta Capita is Founded

2013 July

Expansion to Benelux

2016 April

Expansion to Singapore

2018 October

Expansion to US

2020 February

Prytek Investment

2020 October

VP&P Acquisition

2021 April

ICP Acquisition

2021 December

JDX Acquisition