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Reinventing support in the workplace: National Parents Day

Balancing the demands of parenting with a professional career can be challenging. However, with the right strategies, it is possible to create a harmonious blend of both worlds. This blog will explore practical tips, personal insights, and actionable steps to help parents manage their responsibilities effectively to create a fulfilling family and work life.


Sylvia brings a wealth of experience, honed through her roles in relationship management across key financial sectors.

Sylvia Ingle
Assistant Vice President, London

Parenting and Achieving Work-Life Balance

Balancing the demands of parenting with a professional career can be challenging. However, with the right strategies, it is possible to create a harmonious blend of both worlds. This blog will explore practical tips, personal insights, and actionable steps to help parents manage their responsibilities effectively to create a fulfilling family and work life.

Work-Life Balance

When we are thinking about work-life balance, are we searching for a magic formula that dictates the exact amount of time to be spent working versus being at home? A magical number of hours to allocate between work and life? Or, are we perhaps seeking a sense of peace and contentment that can exist both at work and at home?

I believe it is the latter. In that case, perhaps it would be helpful to find a way to be “present” throughout the day, regardless of where we are and what we are doing. Thus, the question transforms from one of time allocation to one of attitude and attentiveness as we go about our day.

As a new mum, I certainly struggled and sought professional help. Through guidance, I realized that two hours spent physically with my son while worrying about work could not compare to 20 minutes of being fully present and engaged with him. It is interesting that the activities we might have been doing for those two hours or 20 minutes were exactly the same, but in one case my mind was truly focused on getting the most out that time.

Having acknowledged this, we can implement several practical tips:

1. Prioritise and Schedule:

• Create a Flexible Schedule: consider having a flexible work schedule that can accommodate family needs such as remote work, compressed workweeks, or adjustable hours.

• Set Priorities: prioritise tasks both at work and at home. Use tools like to-do lists and planners to keep track if necessary. An Eisenhower Matrix (urgent versus important tasks) could be helpful.

2. Embrace Quality Time over Quantity:

• Focus on spending quality time with your children rather than the quantity of time.

• Share activities that can strengthen the parent-child bond and fit into a busy schedule (e.g., family dinners, reading together, weekend outings).

• Limit screen time for yourself whilst being with your children to minimise distractions. This adds depth to both your and their experience!

3. Leverage Support Systems:

• Build a support network (e.g., family, friends, childcare services).

• Consider partnering with spouses or co-parents or friends to share responsibilities.

4. Practice Self-Care:

• Put your oxygen mask first and have a list of self-care activities for yourself to maintain your well-being (e.g., regular exercise, adequate sleep, hobbies). It is important to check regularly on your mental and physical health and potentially integrate mindfulness practices.

Achieving work-life balance as a parent is an ongoing process, requiring conscious effort and flexibility. By prioritizing tasks, setting boundaries, and leveraging support systems, parents can create a more harmonious life. Remember, it’s about finding what works best for you and your family.

Let's continue the conversation: What strategies have you found helpful in balancing parenting and work? Share your experiences and tips by emailing wellness@deltacapita.com