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Reinventing inclusivity in the workplace: Celebrating disability pride month

Every July, Disability Pride Month is celebrated across the world, marking a significant moment to recognise and honour the contributions, achievements, and rich diversity of the disability community


Emma joined Delta Capita in November 2022 as an apprentice based in the Wrexham office.

Emma Isaac
Junior Analyst

Every July, Disability Pride Month is celebrated across the world, marking a significant moment to recognise and honour the contributions, achievements, and rich diversity of the disability community. Although the month of July was originally chosen in commemoration of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, Disability Pride Month is now a global initiative that everyone is welcome to partake in celebrating. It is a time for us to remember the history in the community, but also serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight for equality and inclusion.

A Call to Action

Disability Pride Month is more than just a celebration; it is a call to action. It encourages society to challenge stereotypes, break down barriers, and foster an environment where people with disabilities are empowered to live their lives with dignity and respect. It is an opportunity for individuals, communities, and organisations to come together to promote understanding and acceptance, emphasising the value that people with disabilities bring to all aspects of life. By highlighting stories of resilience and success, Disability Pride Month inspires a collective commitment to creating a more inclusive world.

A Personal Perspective

The unique aspect of disability is that it can affect everyone at any point in their lives. From personal experience, it can be difficult to respond to a diagnosis with immediate celebration and a positive perspective, as it is something that can alter your view of yourself and the world as a whole. It may be something that was always there, something that has developed over time or been triggered by an experience, in whatever capacity you experience your disability, it can be difficult to always see it through an optimistic lens. It is important to note that celebrating disabilities doesn’t diminish the struggle or pain attached to an individual’s personal experience.

However, I hope that throughsharing stories of resilience, strength and success, those who are struggling with either their self or world view can gain comfort and encouragement in their situation. To know you are not alone and that there is a community that can celebrate with you during the highs and offer support during the lows, is an essential human experience that makes our society a better place.


In contrast to opinions held historically and on a large scale, disability is something to champion. There are several important reasons as to why this is an opportunity to celebrate, all of which contribute to a richer, more inclusive society - some of the most notable being:

• Diversity and Inclusion – When we celebrate disability, we are promoting an inclusive culture that values unique perspectives and contributions. One of the pillars of Diversity of Thought is that people with different backgrounds and life experiences, bring new viewpoints to areas that may have been looked at the same way a thousand times. This is part of why those with disabilities can make such significant contributions and achievements across all fields, for example: arts, sciences, education, sports, and politics. The lack of this variety of perspectives in decision-making positions is a fundamental reason for the unawareness and ignorance reflected in past laws, policies and societal norms, which we are making progress every day with reverting and adapting into a more inclusive environment.

• Breaking Down Barriers – Celebrating disabilities inherently challenges attitudes and opinions that are discriminatory in nature. Disability pride plays a central part in the struggle for human rights and equality, it’s a space where we can have difficult conversations and highlight the need for policies that protect and promote the rights of disabled people.

• Awareness and Education – To expand on the above point, often times what could be perceived as discriminatory is actually a gap in knowledge and experience when it comes to disabilities as a whole. This is why it is so important that we make an effort to uphold and amplify the voices of people with disabilities, giving them the space to tell their stories and provide insight in how we can be better supporters and allies in the fight for true equality.

Embracing Disability

As we celebrate Disability Pride Month, we should reflect on the progress made and the work that still lies ahead. It is a time for us to reaffirm our commitment to advocating for policies and practices that ensure accessibility, equity, and inclusion for all. By embracing disability pride, we recognise that diversity enriches our communities and that everyone, regardless of ability, deserves the opportunity to thrive.

Join us in celebrating Disability Pride Month and take part in building a society where every individual is valued, respected, and included. Let’s honour the spirit of resilience and determination that is a large part of the disability community and work together towards a future of greater equality and opportunity for all!